Meet Our Judges

Chief Judge
Jackie Spanitz
As General Manager for Aviation Supplies & Academics, Jackie oversees maintenance and development of the nearly1,000 titles in...Read More

Bob Hepp
Bob Hepp is the founder, owner, and chief flight instructor of Aviation Adventures. Hepp and his team started conducting a safety stand..Read More

John Niehaus
John Niehaus was previously with the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) as its Director of Program Development. He has been ....Read More

Mariellen Couppee
Mariellen Couppee is a senior Technical Writer for a government/defense contractor working in the FAA Flight Program Operations...Read More

Justin Madden
Justin Madden is the Managing Director, Engineering & Maintenance for Airlines for America (A4A), a trade association representing the...Read More

Doug Stewart
Doug Stewart, the 2004 National Instructor of the Year, and the 2023 FlightInstructor Hall of Fame inductee, is a full....Read More

Jim Gardner
Jim is an accomplished commercial pilot and aviation manager. He is a retired U.S. Air Force Reserve...Read More

David Dagenais
David Dagenais retired December 2021 as the Program Manager for the Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School...Read More

Dr. Amy Hoover
Dr. Amy Hoover has been flying commercially and teaching backcountry flying for more than 25 years. She has over 7,000 hours of...Read More

Adrian Eichorn
Adrian Eichhorn is the 2016 National Aviation Technician and the 2001 National Safety Counselor of the Year.....Read More

Jimmy Rollison
Jimmy Rollison has owned, operated, and maintained more than 50 vintage and antique aircraft in his lifelong...Read More

Ron Timmermans
Ron Timmermans earned his Private Pilot Certificate in 1972 and went on to add Commercial, Instrument, CFI/MEI, ATP, and Rem..Read More

Jeff Edwards
​Jeff Edwards served in the United States Navy as bombardier / navigator flying A-6 Intruders and is a veteran of the first Gulf War. He.....Read More
Use the FAA Selection Form for the winners in each district